Match the following:BM8

List I List II (a) Organisation Man (i) Maximising self interest. (b) Self-actualising Man (ii) Using capabilities to develop a sense of creating certain things. (c) Complex Man (iii) Sacrificing individuality for the sake of group. (d) Rational-Economic Man (iv) Understanding human needs may not be the final step in understanding human behaviour.

Match the items of List – I with the items of List – II. The items relate to evaluation and follow-up of training process.BM15

List – I List – II a. Results i. Document the learner’s immediate response to the training. b. Learning ii. Note supervisor’s reactions to learner’s performance following completion of the training. c. Reaction iii. Use feedback devices or pre and post tests to measure what learners have actually gained. d. Behaviour iv. Determine the level […]