Select the correct code

Statement-I:  We are motivated to re-evaluate our beliefs, attitudes, opinions  or values occurred at two different time. Statement-II: The difference due to some intervention occurred at either point of time motivates us to search a newer option and thus satisfies our mind/anxiety  

Match the following

List  I (Dimesions of brand personality) List II a. Sincerity (i) Upper class, Charming b. Excitement (ii) Reliable, Intelligent, Successful c. Competence (iii) Down to earth, Cheerful, Wholesome d.Sophistication (iv) Outdoors, Tough e. Ruggedness (v) Spirited, Imaginative, Up-to-date

Match the following

List  I List II a. Basic Product (i) Set of attributes and conditions buyers normally expect b. Expected Product (ii) Possible augmentation and transformation the product might undergo in future c. Augmented Product (iii) Exceed customer expectations d. Potential Product (iv) Converting crore benefits into product