Match the following:SM4

List – I List – II a.Individual within (Psychological) 1. Interpretations that third parties make regarding contractual terms. b. Group within (Normative) 2. Broad beliefs and obligations associated with society’s culture. c. Individual outside (implied) 3. Beliefs that individuals hold, regarding promises made, accepted and relied on between and another themselves. d. Group outside (Social) […]

Match the following:SM3

Term Explanation a. Strategy 1. Enduring statements of purpose that distinguish one business from other simple firms. b. Vision 2. Specific results that an organization seeks to achieve. c. Mission 3. What do we want to become? d. Objectives 4. Means by which long term objectives will be achieved.

Match the following:SM2

Table – I Table – II a. Horizontal diversification i. New product in new market b. Vertical diversification ii. New product, current market c. Concentric diversification iii. Move firms suppliers or customers business d.Conglomerate diversification iv. New product closely related to current product in new market