Match the following: OB16

a. Balancing Equity 1. The perceived fairness of the pay structure within a firm. b. Internal Equity 2. The perceived fairness in pay relative to what other employers are paying for the same type of labour. c. Individual Equity 3. The perceived fairness in establishment of internal and external pay equity. d. External Equity 4. […]

Match the items of List – I with the items of List – II. The items relate to evaluation and follow-up of training process. OB18

List – I List – II a. Results i. Document the learner’s immediate response to the training. b. Learning ii. Note supervisor’s reactions to learner’s performance following completion of the training. c. Reaction iii. Use feedback devices or pre and post tests to measure what learners have actually gained. d. Behaviour iv. Determine the level […]

Match Item – I with Item – II:OB19

List I List II (a) Organisation Man (i) Maximising self interest. (b) Self-actualising Man (ii) Using capabilities to develop a sense of creating certain things. (c) Complex Man (iii) Sacrificing individuality for the sake of group. (d) Rational-Economic Man (iv) Understanding human needs may not be the final step in understanding human behaviour.

Match the following: OB24

List – I List – II (a) Italian Culture i. Importance on group loyalty and consensus (b) American Culture   ii. Employment as workers of those who are agreeable, respectful and obedient rather than innovative, creative and independent. (c) Mexican Culture iii. Willing to do business with individuals they do not know. (d) Japanese Culture […]

Match the following OB25

List – I List – II a. Stability 1. Number of subordinates that report to one supervisor. b. Strategy 2. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. c. Synergy 3. Plans for the allocation of firm’s scarce resources to reach identified goals in time. d. Span of control 4. Employees should not […]