List-(I) List-(II) (a) Procedural Justice (i) Justice to a particular community which has been suffering in the past from injustice. (b) Commutative Justice (ii) Treat equal people equally and unequal people unequally. (c) Communitarian (iii) Justice is ensured at the beginning and all people are treated Justice equally. (d) Distributive (iv) Actions performed complying to […]
List – I (CSR Models) List – II (Emphasis) a. Ethical Model i. Corporate responsibilities limited to private owners. b. Statist Model ii. Voluntary commitment by companies to public welfare c. Liberal Model iii. State ownership and legal requirements determine corporate responsibilities. d. Stakeholder Model iv. Companies respond to the need of customers, communities, etc
List – I List – II (a) Work ethics (i) includes taking care of issues like air and water pollution, toxic waste disposal etc. (b) Values (ii) is an organisation’s obligation to benefit society in ways that transcend the prime business objectives of maximizing profit. (c)Environmental responsibility of a business (iii) is a characteristic attitude […]
List – I List – II (a) Value (i) Aham Brahmasmi (b) Unethical behaviour (ii) Recycling Waste (c) Indian ethos (iii)Bribery (d)Environmental responsibility (iv) Trust worthiness
List – I List – II (a) Action planning (i) New Actions are taken and old habits are broken. (b) Accountability (ii) It is the periodic review of what has already been executed. (c) Working the plan (iii) It is the art of delegation to implement a business plan. (d)Reviewing the progress (iv) Making decisions […]
List – I List – II a. Ozone Depletion i. Lead poisoning b. Environmental Health ii. Deforestation c. Logging iii. Food controversies d. Genetic Engineering iv. CFC
List – I List – II (Part of Social Responsibility) (Features) a. Responsibility towards owners i. Stock b. Responsibility towards employees’ ii. Quality product c. Responsibility towards depositors’ iii. Safety of their investment d. Responsibility towards customers iv. Job security v. Interest
List I (terms relating to ethics) List II (conceptual description of terms relating to ethics) I. Ethical climate. 1. Each Society’s view of ethics must be considered legitimate and ethical II. Ethical relativism 2. There are basic moral principles that Transcend cultural and political boundaries III. Ethical universalism 3. People pick up subtle […]
List I Ethical Issues List II Stakeholder Affected I. Unsafe working condition 1. Customer II. Product safety 2. Society III. Environmental pollution 3. Employees IV. Following local laws 4. Host country