
(i) The greater a firms degree of operating leverage, the more its EBIT will vary with respect to fluctuations in sales. (ii) The greater a firms degree of operating leverage, the less its EBIT will vary with fluctuations in sales.  

Match the following

List  I List II (a) Merchandise Inventory (i) Prevents arbitrary changes from one accounting or measurement approach from one period to another (b) Comparability Quality (ii) Inventory of a retailer of wholesaler (c) Net Realisable Value (ii) Item acquired by purchase, growth or extraction of natural sources for further processing (d) Raw Materials Inventory (iv) […]

Match the following:

List  I List II (a) Going Concern Concept (i) The same accounting method used by a firm from one period to another (b) Consistency (ii) Relates to the relative size or importance of an item or event (c) Cost Principle (ii) An inappropriate assumption for a firm undergoing bankruptcy (d) Materiality (iv) The normal basis […]