Match the following: BM24

a. Motivation is a function of fairness in social exchanges. 1. Expectancy Theory b. People are motivated to behave in ways that produce valued outcomes. 2. Alderfer’s ERG Theory   c. Determining specific levels of performance for workers to attain and then striving to attain them 3. Equity Theory d. When people are frustrated by […]

Match the following: OB6

a.Self-efficacy 1. Determining specific levels of performance for workers to attain them. b. Goal setting 2. The belief that one’s efforts will positively influence one’s performance. c. Expectancy 3. People strive to maintain ratio of their own outcomes to their own inputs that are equal to that of those with whom they compare themselves. d.Equity […]

Match the following: OB7

Organizational Structure Advantage a. Functional Structure 1. Clarity of project objectives b. Divisional Structure 2. Smooth delegation of authority and responsibility c. Matrix Structure 3. Simple and inexpensive d. Strategic Business Unit (SBU) 4. Ease of fixing accountability

Match the following: OB8

Explanation Term a. The beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation 1. Attitude   b. The feelings or emotions one has about an object or situation 2.Cognitive component   c. Psychological discomfort experienced when attitudes and behaviour are inconsistent 3.Affective component   d. How one intends to act or behave toward someone […]

Match Item – I with Item – II: OB11

Item – I Item – II (Type of Control) (Prime Responsibility) I. Annual Plan Control 1. Line and Staff Management or Marketing Controller II. Profitability Control 2. Top/Middle Management III. Efficiency Control 3. Marketing Controller IV. Strategic Control 4. Top Management/ Marketing Auditor

Match the following: OB12

a. Attitudes 1. Beliefs that individuals possess certain characteristics because of their membership in certain groups. b. Job Satisfaction 2. Negative attitude toward the members of specific groups, based solely on the fact that they are members of those groups. c. Prejudice 3. Positive or negative attitudes held by individuals toward their jobs.   d. […]

Match the following: OB13

a. Delegating 1. A function of a situation wherein a leader is effective only when the styles used to influence and alter the situation is appropriate. b. Situational theory 2. Low nurturing and low regulating behaviour. c. Grid training 3. A function of a situation wherein a leader permits subordinates to take part in decision […]