Match the following

List-I List-II (a) Tariffication (i) They have demonstrably adverse effects on other member countries (b) Prohibited subsidies (ii) They act on goods which are contingent upon export performance (c) Actionable subsidies (iii) Replacement of existing non-tariff restrictions (d) Non-actionable subsidies (iv) For industrial research in disadvantaged regions

Match the items of List-II with List-I to identify the correct code which are related to legal forces affecting international marketers:

List-I List-II (a) Tariff (i) A regulation specifying the proportion of a finished product’s components and labour that must be provided by importing country (b) Import Quota (ii) Tax imposed on product entering a country and used to protect domestic producers and/or raise revenue (c) Local-content Law (iii) A requirement that a product contain or […]