Match the following

Match the List-I with List-II relating to the roles played by government in an economy and indicate the correct code of their matching:   List I (Roles) List II(Examples) (a) Regulatory role (i) Deciding timing and usage of resources (b) Promotional role (ii) Capital intensive projects of public sector (c) Entrepreneurial role (iii) Imposing of high […]

Match the following

List I List II (a) Economic environment (i) Ethical issues (b) Political and government environment (ii) Trade and transport policies (c) Socio-cultural environment (iii) Economic stratification of population (d) Demographic environment (iv) Judiciary powers Codes:

Which of the following statements are not correct?

Statement I: Sustainable development mean an attempt to achieve the balance between economic growth and conservation / protection of environment. Statement II: Sustainable development means meeting the needs of industries without compromising the needs of import-export balancing. Statement III: Sustainable development means creation of sufficient surplus budgets through stock of capital assets including land. Code: […]